Love is just bullshit.
Amazing how love can change people, yet find time to destroy their lives.
Amazing how love can be a sunshine at one point, and total darkness at the other.
Amazing how people easily fall in love, yet find hard to get out of it.
Amazing how love conquers all, yet defeats all will.
Amazing how love is beautiful, yet crazy.
Amazing how people can fall in love at first sight, yet it blinds them.
Amazing how love is everything, yet it's nothing.
Amazing how love is considered tasty, yet turns sour.
Have you got my point yet? If not......DONT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF FALLING IN LOVE.
I don't think that the problem is with 'love' but in the person that you actually fall in love with. ;)
2:11 AM
well what I can say love has many twists similarly to life...I guess we still need a dose of it to make this life of our un-dull I guess something to ache the mixture of it is need in this taste of life
I came to tell you that this week in LIP ( is having a tribute to .:A:. who had touched us with his poetry and writings.
Hope you can take time to read it
10:52 PM
thanks bluechi and iamnasra for your comments, although i have a completely different view to yours. I guess my short poem says enough:)
4:31 PM
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