Thanks for your patience.
This message is for all you readers out there who seem to keep finding time to waste on the blog of a self titled maniac. Now now, I truly appreciate the fact that you passed by every single day, and am sorry to have left you disappointed atleast more than once.
Formalities over, let's see what all I've done so far.... Hmmmm.....Hmmmm....Hmmmmmm. Well one thing is for sure, I've been damn lazy. With work a distant truth, and sleep a closer reality, I seem to be sleeping even when im wide awake. It feels like im intoxicated. Bed looks more and more delicious...yummy yum yum.
Cheerful news for myself obviously is that I've got that much dreamed of "driving license" about 2 weeks before Eid Al Adha. I was over the moon. It was my third try for the test, and the early morning looked really inauspicious. My stomach was grumbling like crazy and I couldnt find any toilet nearby (not that I bothered looking - in short I hate public toilets). So i wait for the policeman. When policeman enters car, I can feel myself quacking in my boots. And that too not only 1 but two policemen! As soon as I start the car, and reverse, boom, it hits the pavement. With sweat dripping and with all hopes gone, I move the car back to the parking bay and reverse again. Then the test starts. All goes well until the dude asks me to turn into a corner which i thought was a "no entry". I tell him nope cant go there, only to realise a second later that I was wrong. Well hamdullilah, despite my mistakes I passed, and all thanks to Allah and also the kind policeman. I wish all you drivers who are trying for their licenses to get the same policeman. All the best!
It was only 2 weeks having acquired my license, when I nearly met death face to face. Cruising inside al khuwair, hurrying to get to the barber's to have my haircut, I noticed this water spillage on the road, and I zoom right past through it. Moments later my car is skidding brightly doing a Tokyo Drift for no apparent reason. The world seems to spin by in a flash before the car hauntingly comes to a stop having bashed into a lamp post, luckily no damage to the driver and passanger side. Only the back of the car resembles Superman's iron body slammed into it. After crowds have gathered by do I realise that I wasnt the only one at the scene of accident. Three other cars had done some happy drifting and crashed like me. Reason: "Diesel spilled on the road". Worst of all was that it was my cousin's car. Even worse, I couldnt speak arabic, and the police knew jackshit englizi. Luckily my younger brother was around to translate. Eid is over, car is back, insurance sucked as usual, and im never going through any spillage ever again. Thinking about it, I could have been dead by now.....and the funny part is that I've been having this recurring dream forever that im driving and suddenly the brakes dont work and crash boom crash, I escape uninjured and that's exactly what happened in reality. And only after the crash did the dreamy nightmares stop. Hamdullilah im still going strong. God only knows when he wants me back with him.
The best news for me recently is that fact that I've got a job at P.D.O. Wohoo, I start in february, and a job I could dream of. Plus that fact that I kicked ass in the interviews (15 omanis participated - 5 chosen) was the icing on the chocolate cake. Looking forward to work and living a working life in Oman. Money money, is so funny, in the rich man's world!
So folks, if you've surprisingly reached upto this point, then bravo! I bored you, and I know I did. Still, thanks for reading chicos and amigos. Will continue my comeback laterz! Astalawohoo dudes.
an update at least,
first, a big mabrook for the lisence, we got it on the same week nyah! :P
second, skidding and spinning cars is not fun, salamat
last but not least, mabrook for the job, money maker ;)
4:39 PM
Tomboy! i dont know how we know each other but hey thanks for passing by with your cool comments. YOU ROCK!
ehem, bout the language, working on it yo, and thanks for all ur congrats.:)
4:39 AM
Congratulations :D
I I think I need to learn the language again. As the days go by, I feel my Arabic is becoming weaker and weaker.
4:25 PM
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